How To Make Money With Pintrest From Adfly [New Guide 2014]

How To Make Money With Pintrest From Adfly [New Guide 2014]

Pinterest is the famous page just like facebook and twitter and we all need to take advantage of it , so for that comes adfly

First you will need an account on pinterest for that you need to make an account
And also an account on adfly If you don't already have one, register here.

The next step is to upload any picture that will attract peoples attention and for that you will need to search what is famous right now on pinterest well what is famous on pinterest right now is FASHION!!! everybody is looking for new fashion way to impress other people , so why can't you just do the same and make money over it.

You will go to google and search for a nice nice fashion picture and you will put keyword in it , and i mean stuff that people are looking for , like an example you can put Rihanna's best shirt and put a link and remember to shrink your link first on adfly and then paste it on pinterest.

The most important thing of this is that you will make money fast with adfly! now you do not need followers on pinterest to have some click on your links, so for that do not worry about that the good thing about pinterest is that any body can see your picture and comment on it or even click on the link. 

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 8:54 AM and have 1 comments


  1. No matter what you do to make money online, promote it on your social media accounts. You have a base of people who are already interested in you and have a vested interest in your brand – why would you not want to take advantage of that? By promoting yourself and your projects on your social media accounts, you’re greatly increasing the chances of people actually giving you money in exchange for your goods and services. Stop being shy and get out there.
